Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall Editing - Photography

Fall is upon us! The cool weather, fresh tea, and a toasty fires are just a few of my favorite aspects of this season. I absolutely adore the warm colors of the falling leaves all around us. These colors make for perfect pictures filled with lovely reds, oranges, and other golden tones. In this post, I am going to share how I brought out the bright fall tones in this picture so you too can have gorgeous pictures this autumn.

This picture was actually taken with the sun brightly shining like a summer day. So, how did I get the reds, oranges, and pinks to really stand out? Editing! For this picture, I used Picassa but I imagine that most photo editors could do the same editing. First, I fixed the colors to make the picture seem a little brighter. Then, I tinted the picture slightly red. I used the brightest red setting and faded it to about 70% or so. Next, I added a little brownish yellow by increasing the color temperature. If you'd like, sometimes a light vignette finishes the picture and adds that extra touch, completing the autumn feel. In this picture, I chose not to add one because I liked how the focus framed the picture.

Don't be afraid to adjust the colors. Editing should be entertaining and filled with experiments. Just be careful not to over edit pictures. Only a few alterations are necessary to draw out the exquisite fall colors usually. Adding a few intensely colored fallen leaves, an enchanting sunset or other unique fall features make editing quite simple and rewarding. Well, like I said, fall is upon us! Before it disappears, take your fall pictures! Fall pictures make terrific family portraits, gifts to friends or just wonderful reminders of the merry times shared with people you love this season.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hand Drawn Art - "Save a Life"

Today, I am not going to post much. I am not going to discuss any art techniques. I am not going to lecture or discuss the art. Just going to ask one question. With all the evil and brokenness in the world, what are you doing to save a life?

Think about it.

While you're thinking, feel free to listen to, "Save a Life" by Manic Drive, who inspired today's post/art.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

First Phone Background - Jesus Loves You

Today, I have felt really inspired to do art and graphic design. So, I decided to work on some projects I promised my readers.

Without further adieu, here is my first ever iPhone background! Feel free to download it and share it! All I ask is that you do not claim my artwork as your own.

Remember Jesus loves you!

P.S. - If your friends like the art, please send them here for more!