Friday, November 30, 2012

Free Phone Background (Wide) - Elephants

Today, I had a request to make a phone background from a very special friend! She wanted an elephant phone background. Here it is! It is made for Android phones, which allow you to scroll through the backgrounds side to side. Usually, I make iPhone backgrounds because I know many of my friends have iPhones. I can make backgrounds for anyone who sends in a request so comment away with at least your phone type so I can make a version for your phone too!

The look I was originally going for was a bright and colorful background with multicolored elephants. They had colors splattered all their faces. But, then Victoria, my friend, tried out the background but I mixed up the dimensions! To fix this blunder, I mixed up the colors and the image to create a new look that would fit her phone. In the end, I like the collage look better than the other image. The logo even fit in perfectly! 

Like the photo? Share it with your friends!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving - Celebrate with Pi

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I'm thankful for all of my friends and family, which includes my church family too! You guys are such a blessing to me. Love you all! The list of the people and things that I am thankful for would take up three whole blogs so I'll just say, you all are great and I don't know what I would do with out you guys.

To celebrate Thanksgiving, have some pi. Or to be specific, have one hundred digits of pie. (Note: some may be covered by an actual pie...)

 Pumpkin pie is my favorite pie on Thanksgiving but pecan pie is a close second. Of course, it is not like I would pass up too many types of pie either way. I'm not really picky.

Here is a verse to encourage you on Thanksgiving Day: Colossians 3:15 (NLT)
“And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.” 

Oh, and pies are not square.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Free Phone Background - "No Shave November"

Free iPhone background for all you guys out there in support of No-Shave November. Are any of you going to participate? Even if you don't, show your support by sporting this free phone background!

Free to use and share, as always, I appreciate you passing my blog link along to those you share it with.