Sunday, June 30, 2013

Series Cover - Promises - His Generation Youth Group

Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I have shared much but I've been pretty busy lately. Hopefully, I will be able to post more soon. Here is a series cover for the His Generation Youth series, "Promises". We finished that a while back and I know it really encouraged me to really dive into the word of God and stand on a promise for my future.

In other news, my blog has reached over a 1000 views! I am super stoked about it. It's taken me a long time to get here but I can't wait to reach more people around the world. I really appreciate all my friends and family, who encourage me and continue to read my blog. The goal of my blog is to show you guys a little bit of behind the scenes of some of my projects. If it inspires you guys to create some of your own projects, I'd love to hear from you and see your work!

This series cover was used for Power Points mostly but it was also used on Facebook to advertise the series. The goal of the, "Promises" cover was to look like something a student might have created on their own notebook because students are our target audience. To create it, I started with a solid, bright green. Then, to get the paper look, I added two different layers and faded them slightly. I added one with black wrinkles and one with white to achieve a shadows look. I chose not to change the layer settings to overlay because it blended it too smooth. I wanted to see the wrinkles clearly.

Last, I added the series name and some promises on the side. There are actually a combinations of fonts. First, the solid block font for the word, "Promises" is called Post Office and I chose this font because it creates contrast between the green and gives the image almost a 3-D look. The promises in the bubbles have two fonts. The first font is the actual words and the font name is Sketch Block. The exclamation point is a different font, which is called Colleged. Sketch Block's exclamation points were too solid for my taste so I used a similar font, which actually sketchy.

Creating this image was quite easy and I hope some of my readers can recreate it in their own way for their own projects. This type of imagery is really fun to play with and create all kinds of posters and different projects. If this inspired you to create your own wrinkly poster or project, share it in the comments!

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